Friday, November 30, 2007

September 2007

Back to school this month, so the schedule now includes at least two hours of driving on most days. The shrinking hours in the day force me to prioritize.

I took time off this month to go to teach a couple of classes and to go to the M3 conference in Washington. It was refreshing, but hard to keep in touch with my regular duties, including watching the stats and numbers. I think I have to have one day per week to do it no matter where I am in the world, and it has to be in the proper form. I made the format for the three key indicators to be reported to me, but I didn’t holler when I didn’t get it (daily). I thought I’d get to it the next day (then I didn’t and I didn’t and I didn’t). Hence, I am disconnected from the details of UHI. (No one on the staff complained that I was gone. They were, in fact, supportive. I appreciated it, but then had second thoughts, like: “When the cat’s away, the mice will play.” I hope that when I check the numbers and stats that I will not be disappointed.)

Coming up on the new Lead Doc’s six month anniversary. Now we will finally have something to talk about.