Thursday, November 01, 2007

November and December 2006

Well, the poor performer (the key player) resigned in mid-November. It took a lot of handling to get the transition organized, but it has been handled, and it should be smooth. In the meantime, the challenge is to make sure that the remaining work gets done without skidding. I totally and completely understand why companies just escort people out the door when they resign. It is so much cleaner. Easier. This last month has been a challenge almost too much to handle. We are working together to make it smooth for the patients’ sake. However, it is not easy. His mind is elsewhere. Adding that onto an already unmotivated character has a result that is no surprise. I wonder why I let it all go on so long.

In the meantime, I feel a renewed vigor for business. I am really glad about this transition, and it has given me lots of new ideas and some more guts to make other changes. Why not? The people I have been interviewing are very impressive, and I sense that I am much clearer on what type of person is right for the position. I will select better this time!

Cash flow is still a challenge, despite the fact that we had a shockingly good year in production. After a loss last year with the theft and the complications (and collateral damage), we bounced back – even with crappy production (an unmotivated head doctor) and much staff turnover at UHI, and personally, with a new baby this year and the nanny disaster for four months. – to hit the million dollar mark. In fact, we passed it by about 100,000 dollars, but the numbers aren’t all in. I am so shocked, grateful and relieved that we pulled it off. I still can’t figure how we were able to do it, but I have to think that staff turnover had a way of getting me back to the basics, communicating really closely with the new staff (particularly about the priorities) and what I would like to happen…and, most importantly, asking lots of questions to the staff on a more regular basis. The bad thing about the year – looking at it right now (that I could have done better) – was that I didn’t do quarterly reviews, or, even, official reviews where we talked about what went right and what didn’t, and then agreed upon goals and objectives. I had lots of meetings, but not lots of careful contact points with the staff. I will make up for that in 2007 with a different tact. I want to hold onto the stars on this staff.