Thursday, November 01, 2007

July, August, Spetember 2006

Time has flown by. I have hired new people in to a few positions; I think I have some winners. I continue to interview on a regular basis for all posts, for the positions that I think are the shakiest, or the ones that seem the most unstable. I am insisting on good work from the beginning, but haven’t figured out a way to systematize that. I probably need an HR Person, but I sense that is a way off. Sometimes it seems too much to get on my plate. How am I going to cultivate staff teamwork, sportsmanship, individual productivity and company pride when I am already stretched? The words that come to mind are “prioritize” and “delegate”.

Incidentally, when time flies (the way it has these few months) I wonder if I have been doing the proper priorities or not. I can hardly remember what has happened, and that makes me nervous.

The biggest Ah-Ha has been to find that the payroll has been reduced substantially from the last years even though the production has (astoundingly) gone up. Sadly, sales do not equal collections: Health care reimbursements are at 45 cents on a dollar. So, we will have to find ways to increase our sales substantially to get back to healthy earnings