Thursday, January 26, 2006

December 2005

I am searching for a replacement for my Clinic Coordinator who suddenly quit in November. And, yes, the P.T., is quitting. So, I am searching for a replacement for her. I think that puts me at 8 or 9 turnovers this year. The P.T. has me between the rock and the hard-as-hell spot. She won’t stay at UHI long enough for me to have this baby and interview unless she sees some cold, hard cash. It is going to cost me to keep her until the end of January. A “bonus” in this case feels like blackmail, but I am very grateful that she is willing to do it even if it is for a price. I am due any minute! I can’t bob and weave like normal, and that means that I simply cannot successfully interview, solve the billing issues, conduct meetings, figure out the cashflow, meet with the staff, oversee and correct the many problems that are in any given day, see patients, prepare for a baby, go to the OB appointments...not to mention drive my three-year old to school…groom...sleep.

The P.T. agencies are charging anywhere from 5,500 to 25,000 dollars to find a P.T., without any guarantee past one month, and they cannot promise a “find” in a certain amount of time. So, I am registered on all kinds of sites as well as with recruiting agencies. Ginny, my coach, who is an executive in a headhunting firm, says that the deals the P.T. agencies are offering are terrible, sleezy, unprofessional; she can’t believe it. I am only hoping that someone responds to my independent ads. So far, I have had two resumes come through for new grads and one for an experienced P.T. I pray that one of them is a gem. I fear with such a limited time and with the baby due that I will have to “settle” for just a regular P.T. That is hard to swallow. I want to offer great clinicians, not average clinicians.

I forgot to say in November that I have continued public speaking. At my size I must be an imposing sight. I spoke to a group the other night and spent half of the time burping (…due to the limited diaphragmatic space it is impossible not to). My introduction was “Hello, my name is Dr. Amelia Case. I am so glad that you have all come here tonight on such a snowy evening. I’ll make it worth your while, I promise. I have to excuse myself in advance for the burping and the shortness of breath. I have a baby due any moment and it seems to be pushing on everything as a threat to its’ forthcoming arrival.” In addition, my pants were falling below my belly and my sweater was sneaking up above my belly. I might as well have belly-danced my talk. Not to worry: there were three new patient calls within the next two days. Ginny and I think that I should be doing much more public speaking. I would love to do it, but it is so difficult to do it with everything else. I think I must get the cashflow issue straightened out first…. I still can’t figure out what is wrong in that department. My lack of artistry and skill in finances (accounting) is really obvious. I think the fact that I am an amateur at the computer complicates it, too.

I have, incidently, finalized some really important spreadsheets that help me analyze the collection issues…from prediction to write-offs to agreed-upon discounts. It has taken me about 26 hours of work to get this far, and even the staff thinks it is quite a coup. So, I do have something to celebrate inasmuch as my computer skills are growing. Work becomes so much easier when I think I know what to expect and have concrete real goals.

Another woman, Margery, who is a friend of mine is coaching me on one point, and that is that I should be “feeling” more when I am being the boss. Several people have brought this up to me, but it is hard to apply. I want to go cold when I am the boss; feeling seems like such a risk. Anyway, I am taking the advice to heart! I have decided to laugh more, raise my voice more, and tell the staff if I am worried or upset. It is my impression that such behavior is in conflict with leadership, but I have been assured that is not the case. Seeing as how I am not where I want to be I have decided to listen to someone more successful and just do it. It will not be easy.