Thursday, January 26, 2006

November 2005

This month so far is “employee bummer month”. First, my Clinic Coordinator (who has been with me for the last few years) suddenly quit. Not only that, she gave me less than two weeks notice even though she had a contract. She did tell me quite casually at the end of one day, as if it were a ‘sidebar’. She has been a student during her tenure at UHI, so I knew her priority was school. Well, she got a great position at her school (that she could not pass up); I believed that she must take it. However, I did also believe that she should have given me notice. In her position two weeks would have been skimpy, nevermind nine days. The truth is that I felt completely crushed, ambushed, shocked… I have supported her school and her ambition since she has been an employee. I thought that I would get some consideration in equal and fair exchange when it came time for her to leave. It is just another event that makes me want to crawl into a hole and forget that I ever had employees. Frankly, it hurt to have good employee suddenly disregard me and this company. We have given so much to her.

To add to “employee bummer month”, my physical therapist seems to be quitting. She is not certain about it yet. There is a serious P.T. crisis (limit of P.T.s) in the U.S.A. The first time around this year – despite great diligence – it took me four months to find a full time P.T. I can only fear what search is to come if she is really resigning (and I think she is). UHI is not a good fit for her; I believe her.

I guess that is the way of the business owner: The employees hurt you in a way that no one else can – and help you in a way that no one else can. There should be a class for employers that prepares you for the heartache and headache of employees. All I can say is that I better get a tougher skin! Anyway, that put a certain wet blanket over the month. I have already had a turnover this year of 8 employees; nothing like that in nearly 16 years. I don’t know what is going on! I am going to contact an astrologer. I need an explanation!

I have been really excited about the growing numbers at UHI. Our services, despite a ridiculously challenging year, have grown 20% since July. I still don’t know how. That is great. The only thing I still wonder is “Where is the money?” Our collections seem to be poor given what we are creating in services. I am still spending a lot of time trying to figure that out, but as the pregnancy goes forth I do feel a bit limited in energy. I am short of breath, heavy, anemic, tired – ordinary late pregnancy stuff. It is hard to stay very focused when I have to pee every five minutes and I am breathing like the Hulk. Anyway, I keep working on the billing department because of the cashflow challenge. It is not adding up. I guarantee I will figure it out...that or die trying.

As we go into the holidays I am overcome by gratitude for the patients over the years who have come to us and put their trust in us. I don’t know how to honor them the way that I feel I should. Right now I just feel reverent. In a moment of humor I realize that when the employees get me down I turn to the patients for consolation. When the patients get me down (and they do!!) I turn to the staff. If I think about it more I realize that I am really grateful for all of the employees, too. However, right now, as my holiday gift to myself, I am going to focus on the “easy happy stories” of both.