Monday, December 29, 2008

November and December 2008

It didn’t work out the way I thought it would with the new doc on part-time status. She wanted what she wanted to join full-time, and it was not realistic. Going forward, I don’t think I can seriously consider a young woman, in fact. It seems that the corporate urban legend that young women can’t be hired is founded on truth. Dating, engagement, social life and marriage really do seem to beckon to that demographic. That hurts: Sorry, men, but I just think women make superior clinicians. Too bad they don’t want to work! (If only I had a big enough outfit to hire steady part-timers. There would be a place for them.)

The rush of the past 60 days has created a blur of mundane events not worth mentioning. The biggest thing that happened was finding out that we are tracking at 11.5% growth. I nearly fell over. On a year with such trouble, it’s hard to believe. I was shocked. Totally out of touch with the big picture, all I was doing was putting my head down and going forward.

At the end of this year I feel full of ambition to make this business grow and spread, and this is why: This health care changes lives, both physically and mentally. Not only do people feel better outside, they feel better inside. It builds confidence in the body’s natural healing abilities. We have had such success stories this year. Despite the business challenges, I want to recognize what this is all about. When I sit to think about patient success stories, this is what I remember this year:

* Chiropractic – Successful for back pain, pain in pregnancy (and the Webster Technique for helping babies get in the right position in the pelvis), carpal and tarsal tunnel, headaches, incontinence, erectile dysfunction, asthma, reflux and sinus pain.
* Craniosacral therapy – Successful for insomnia, headaches, bipolar disorder, constipation and sinusitis.
* Physical Therapy – Successful for hip replacement preparation and rehab, headaches, frozen shoulder, spinal disc problems and plantar fascitis.
* Massage Therapy – Successful for asthma, chronic pain, gastroesophageal reflux (GERD), and for a great pregnancy.
* Astrotherapy, Psychotherapy and Energy Therapy – Successful for depression, anxiety, interrupted sleep or sleeplessness, to quit smoking, lose weight, choose the right career and mate, handle break-ups, death and grief, and life-planning.
* Acupuncture and Clinical Herbal Therapy – Successful for menstrual disorders, hives, digestive problems, immune compromises, low energy and thyroid problems.
* Nutritional Therapy – Successful for reducing inflammation, improving energy, restoring sex drive, normal bowel function, and better skin.

The list is not comprehensive. It is just what I can write down in a few minutes while I think of our meetings and our patients. It’s just the tip of the iceberg of stories that make it all worthwhile. The purpose of this business is to help people feel and get better, inside and out. The mechanics of the business aren’t simple, and can be discouraging, but it is the stories that buoy me up and make me ready for the next day, the next story, the next step and the next challenge.