Wednesday, February 02, 2011

The Something Missing Part

I reread some previous posts, plus my last post that was written over a year ago. I hardly feel like the same person. I feel like I've been gestating so long! Not that I've arrived, but that now, at least, I am born.

It was hard to write the blog, in general. Initially I thought it would be fun. Not so. I wondered about how to make sure I didn't complain about all of the stress...every day...all the time. I felt like what I had to say wouldn't be a blog. It would just be one bitch-session after the next. So, I focused on what was positive or what I was trying to do, and wrote about that. I restrained myself from expressing all of the fear and doubt I had about my business growing, my business problems and challenges. I didn't lie. I just didn't tell both halves of the experience.

I can feel the tension when I read the posts. I feel pain sometimes - just remembering the confusion and sense of restriction and tension.

About four years ago I asked one of my patients (who had a very successful business career) if he could explain what Leaders do. I felt baffled by the question. I thought if I got that answer I'd be in better shape. The funny thing is that he didn't know how to answer - or he did but I didn't know how to hear! It all seemed so fuzzy. I felt silly asking the question, and never asked anyone again. I did end up reading some books on leadership, too, after that. They seemed dry and contrived - or maybe out of my league.

I wrote something on the M3 yahoo group yesterday that was a note-to-self: Struggles don't determine where your business goes. How you respond to them does. As I read it I realized that it sounded like something I could have written about parenting. I've learned alot in parenting that has helped me answer the question about leadership. Leaders have to be incredibly generous. I don't think I knew how generous until I had kids (late in life; my first when I was 41). I don't mean generosity the way it is used in common language - that has to do with giving stuff. When I say generosity I mean a willingness to give, to be magnanimous, to think in terms of bounty, act with nobleness, not to be petty or caught in small mindedness; to create possibilities that are larger, more full and have a greater amplitude than that which exists. To be a leader means to jump into possibilities; it means to be vulnerable and brave at the same time; it means to share the good, and even the bad, sometimes! I thought the struggles would kill me. In fact, they have birthed me - and the business. And leadership.

In the last post I wrote I said I wanted to find out what was missing. I think I have found it when I say 'Leadership'. It's not enough to work, or work hard. I was taught to work hard, and that would be the key to success. I have had to change my thinking about it. I don't believe it anymore. I think the key is to Lead Well.

I love my work. It's not difficult to transform my work into play. It feels natural. It didn't feel natural to lead. Now it is starting to.